December 2: Ace of Cups

December 2: #thesacredwheel Tarot Challenge by @wildsoulhealing

🍷 Ace of Cups 🍷

With the Ace of Cups card, we see the cup or chalice being held by a hand emerging out of the air, overflowing with 5 streams of water, with a dove delivering what appears to be a Host, if you’re familiar with the Catholic religion, but can also be seen as just a delivery of a gift with the cross representing the 4 corners of the world (North, East, South, West) or the 4 elements (Water, Air, Fire, Earth). The cup overflowing with water into a body of water also has rose petals falling down, giving the feeling of beautiful and abundant love.

The Message I Am Receiving From This Card:

•A love that gives you butterflies in your stomach
•A love that makes you feel like a teenager
•A love that Hollywood has made millions of dollars from
•A love that you don’t think can be real
•A love that you know can be real

This is what the Ace of Cups is about. That type of love. But what I especially love about this card is that when this love might not be present in your life, what this enables you to do is have a new love affair with yourself instead. So instead of other people pointing out your flaws and the mistakes you’ve made, this allows you to see yourself and the amazing beautiful person you are. When you can see yourself through the eyes of someone who truly, truly loves you, that’s the most beautiful thing to see. Like when you look at the photos of two people who truly love each other. You can feel the energy just by the way they look at each other. You should be able to have that feeling and connection towards yourself as well. Allow yourself to experience your own wonderful energy and what an amazing person you are. This card sees the potential in the type of person you are and is wanting to drive you forward in life and love and propel you to become a beacon of light for others. It will leave you feeling like you’re 10 feet tall instead of hiding in your shadow. People will see your glow and they will feel magnetized to you, like you’re emitting positivity out of your pores. Spirit is giving us the gift of love and enabling us to take us to the next level of development, and there are so many possibilities available to us when we recognize this. When you are aligned and tuned into this energy and knowing, this card will make so much sense. 💜🔮


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